Turning left onto Ridge Court where our Placerville home is (sorry for the poor quality--old camera)...
This was the house where I lived when I was about 3 years old...
The current owners invited me in to see the place (they had driven up as I was getting out of my car). When I saw these stairs and fireplace, I got a little choked up. It's weird to see something you haven't seen in 35 years, especially when that last time was as a young kid. I went upstairs and saw the place in my bedroom where I accidentally burned my back on the space heater.
They've made extensive renovations and additions---my parents would be amazed to see it now. The kitchen is in a different spot, there's a huge balcony, the basement is completely finished with extra rooms added on. The home is probably worth a million bucks. The hallway toilet is the same one we had when we lived there (we think). Inside the tank it says "1965" or something close to that.
Looking up the street to the Pringles' old house...
Looking back down the street...
Heading back down Ridge Court to Washington Street...
Looking down Washington Street...
The church parking lot...
A video clip of the church...
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